Monday, September 7, 2009

I Will Survive

I realize that the whole point of having a blog and having people consistently read it is to post! I am trying to be better about that.

My schedule these days involves working from 8:15 to 4:30, schlepping to school, having class until 9:30 and coming home to the husband and dog. Most days, I go right to bed or try to do some homework of pop in a TV on DVD. This week...Will & Grace.

I had a great birthday celebrating with my closest friends. We went to dinner and went dancing. We shut the bar down, if you can believe it. I used to see my friends at least once a week during the week, but because of school, I haven't been able to see them except on weekends.

One of my good friends gave me the cutest gift: a "Law School Survival Kit" complete with "Law School for Dummies", a bottle of headache medicine ("Law School Aderral") and several airplane bottles of vodka taped to small bottles of cranberry juice. I really enjoy creative gifts.

So far, I have not broken in to the vodka/cranberry juice, but the "Aderral" has been used a few times.

All I can say is thank goodness for coffee.

Have I also mentioned how little money I'm spending now that I'm in school? I haven't been clothes shopping in weeks.


  1. What a cute gift! I love the Law School Surivial Guide! Hope you had a great birthday!

  2. Aweee! I love the Law School Survival Kit!!!! Good luck and happy belated birthday!!! Xoxo-BLC
