Friday, August 14, 2009

Bad Programming

A dear friend of mine (who is also going back to school this fall) and I have run into a predicament. We are both the ones who "take care of" our households. We pretty much do everything that needs to be done (laundry, grocery shopping, errands, cleaning). With both of us going back to school, our time to do these things will be severely limited and we are going to rely on our significant others to do a lot more.

We have both come to the conclusion that men (well at least ours) don't see the importance of certain things like thoroughly cleaning a bathroom or hanging up/putting up dirty laundry. They don't automatically understand that these things necessarily need to get done. It's not that they don't care...there are just different priorities for men. My frend and I blame...GENETICS. Are women just programmed to do these particular things or are we (my friend and I) just control freaks who just need to relax?

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