Thursday, July 30, 2009

Who gonna check me, boo?

Ok...I don't even know what language this blog post title is. I just heard the words uttered from Sheree Whitfield's mouth on Real Housewives of Atlanta. I don't even know what that even means.

This week has been insanely busy. I'm having a party tomorrow night and I've had dinner events the past 2 evenings which have kept me out late.

Thankfully, I have an understanding husband who helped me run some errands and get stuff ready for the party. I sometimes *forget* to ask for help and forget that I have a husband who would never say no to helping me if I asked or in this case, volunteered.

A lot of my friends (and bloggers I follow) just took the bar exam this week. I haven't even started law school yet and I dread the bar.

In other funny news, I have homework for orientation for law school. I have to read an article "How To Read A Legal Opinion." Turns out, an attorney friend of mine who came into town this week KNOWS THE AUTHOR OR THE ARTICLE. I have no words.

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